Phone: 281-546-8212 / 979-997-2563 - Fax: 877-239-0894

About Us

Vital Air

founders have over twenty plus years of HVAC experience, ten plus years of Chemical/Environmental Engineering experience, EPA Certified and CERTIFIED as Advanced Oxidation Technology Specialist (i.e. REMETM Technology). We believe that with today's high pollutants that travel through the air, buildings that are equipped with the proper EIQ reduce the probability of someone catching an illness from others in that environment.

Vital Air was established to help families and businesses become proactive in reducing sick building syndrome and increasing Environmental Indoor Quality (EIQ) by creating environments you can trust. How? You may ask. With the REME/Guardian Air by RGF.

Vital Air provides indoor air quality services throughout east Texas and Louisiana - a territory spanning from Lake Jackson on the coast of Texas, up north to Dallas, across to Shreveport and back south down to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.